Friday, February 8, 2008

Pay Per Click Adsense

Maximize your adsense with in powerful Keyword professional tool get to know shortcut steps of making money. AdSense and Pay Per Click are fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. Pay Per Click Analyst reviews the top Pay Per Click Search Engines offering up to date Pay Per Click News

Increase revenue by Google AdSense Pay-Per Click (PPC) service. - PPC Pay Per Click

Mike Dammann has started a directory contest. he will also using a PPC Pay per Click .It is simple you will have to rank first in Google for keyword . May the best directory win. On site optimization is not allowed in contest.First prize is 2000$. Visit for more info!

Online store not selling so well? Just slap together a pay-per-click campaign and you’ll be sure to sell out in no time!

Not getting as many online leads as you would like? PPC can fix that too!

Clients skipping out on their bill? PPC can fix ANYTHING!

At least, these are the sentiments that seem to be floating around the virtual water cooler. PPC marketing is often approached as a magic wand that can make all of your marketing woes disappear with a flick of the wrist and a theatrical “poof” of smoke.

Wouldn’t that be great? No wonder people like to believe that all-too-tempting idea!

I’ve seen instances where pay-per-click campaigns really do seem to work magic for clients, but in every case these clients were willing to work at it. They were willing to build a really great PPC campaign and support it with other efforts.

And trust me, it was hard work.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for PPC! In the end Pay Per Click is just another piece of the marketing puzzle, and when you hope against hope that a lone PPC campaign will prop up a failing business or product then it’s bound to come crashing down like a flimsy house of cards.

So what steps can you take to make sure that your Pay Per Click campaign has the best chances for success?

#1. The first step is to know what is going on with your marketing efforts, offline and online. When I say “know what is going on”, I mean having solid, factual data on what is going on behind the scenes – proof about what works and what doesn’t.

For this, you need a web analytics package. There are a lot of solutions available in every price range. Of course, Google Analytics is a popular choice considering that it is free (always a great selling point!), easy to use, and powerful.

I work for ROI Revolution, which offers a pretty neat free 60-minute informational web on Google Analytics if it just so happens you are interested in exploring that web analytics solution.

Once you have web analytics up and running you will be gathering important information on what is going on with your marketing efforts. When you know what is going on, you’re in control!

#2. The next step is to work like a dog and try everything your mind can feverishly conceive to get your marketing to work better. Doesn’t sound like a day at the beach, does it?

Maybe not, but in the end it really pays off! When you use your Pay Per Click campaign with your web analytics to test, test, test different variables, options, and price points you will find things that you can prove work better than others. That’s extremely satisfying, and it’s the best way to claw your way to the top.

Thomas Jefferson said “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” With a little “luck” maybe you can turn that Pay Per Click campaign into a magic wand, after all.

PPC Management & Consulting

I alaways use webuildpages tools for check backlinks and the anchor text used in those backlinks.Neat-O Backlink Tool Knowing who is linking to you and what link text they're using is one of the most important aspects in Search Engine Optimization SEO . This tool checks your backlinks (only showing one backlink per URL that links to you) and shows the link text used to link to you.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign Management Services Include:

* Automated bid management
* Budget management
* Keyword research
* Creative editing
* Campaign assessment meetings
* Click fraud negotiations
* Personal account managers
* Advanced ROAS software
* Competitive analysis
* Detailed campaign analysis and reporting
* Opportunity identification
* Offline sales tracking

Overture and Google Adwords

PPC search engines offer instant traffic, completely side stepping the lengthy process of optimizing sites for the search engines. In addition, they allow you to optimize your site for your human visitors and not just those machines that spider your site. In a way it seems you can have it all - traffic and an on-topic site designed for your customer.

Wait, you say...too good to be true! Of course, we agree. After having spent countless hours and recovering from every pitfall imaginable in the Pay Per Click game, we have to say the promise is there, but someone must be willing to do the work. We have done the work over and over. We've read the books, we hang out in Forums dedicated to Pay Per Click topics, we are constantly performing research, but most of all, we are doing it live on many campaigns - and making it work.

But if you're a business prefessional, a site owner, a graphic designer who just wants a little bit of exposure and doesn't really care about the ins and outs of "exact match" vs "broad match" and which partner sites carry one engine's ads or just want traffic...don't worry! Whether you're a seasoned PPC Pro or a "newbie", we can still work with you.

Pay Per Click Keyword Discovery

Keyword research is the "meat and potatos" of the PPC world. You have to find keywords that are relevent to your product, but are not so competitive that you can't afford them. This requires a little creative muscle. There are several tools out there that help in this process.

The number one greatest tool is the famous Wordtracker which pulls from various actually searches on the web and has such nice features as a related keyword function, a popularity database, and misspellings. They offer a free trial so you can judge for yourself.

Google Adwords offers their keyword suggestions tool. This is an excellent first stop. Of particular note is their Similar Keywords section. This gives you a hint on what Google considers related to a main search, and is useful for using the "broad" match feature in AdWords.

Following this are two excellent tools from Overture - the search term suggestion tool and the current bid tool - both of which are essential tools in a webmaster's toolbox.

All these keyword tools can be addicting, and there are many out there. An excellent page to find more good links is from the Open Directory Project. There is enough on that one page alone to keep anyone busy for several days.

GoClick Review

In last seven days I am trying to check GoClick search engine review. It has an excellent accounts area that helps you get what you want done quickly.

Its main speciallty allows you to view clicks on your keywords or affiliate clicks from your site. There is advancedhelp and there are other tools that will help you enjoy your GoClick experience.

Traffic :-- Network handles over 350 million searches per month Your bid price depends on where you are positioned on the page.

Price :-- You can Minimum Account deposit: $25. You can intial start Minimum Bid Price $0.01 and you also minimum monthly spend: $10

Tools :-- Under "Advanced Tools" you will find the keyword tool that helps you find more popular keywords relevant to your site. Adding keywords is quick and easy, It provides a text box where you can paste all your keywords at once. It also makes it easy to change your bids, delete unwanted keywords and edit any of your site details.

There is also the "Bidmaster" tool.

It lets you change bids to a specified amount. The best part about it is that it only raises
your bid 1 cent higher than the leading bidder. It will lower bids that are more than the amount you specified and it won't change bids on keywords that you are already leading.

It has 2 affiliate programs. The first lets you place a search box, text link or banner on your site to earn 2 cents per lead. The other is the GoClick pop-under ads program. You can earn up to $2.50 per 1000 unique visitors to your site.

High paying Keywords with related content

Highing Paying Keywords with related content

I don't know why people put "peritoneal mesothelioma" , "mesothelioma asbestos" these types of keywords however they know their is no concern about these keywords from their website ???? I wouldn't like to tell about these types of websites. I see many sites if their website mainly concern to w hotel new York city, web hosting ecommerce, web conferencing related sites. They put the unrelated highly paying keywords such as "accident claims" , "mesothelioma" Yet my blogger specially concerned to pay per click (PPC) Adsence, and I always write about Adsense and Pay per Click (PPC) related content for my .

Why webmaster doesn't use their crucial memory . Be always Keep track of your content. Don't start another "debt consolidation credit car" or "donate car" website. You will never make money out these "adsence-revenue-sharing" websites. Instead, write on topics what you are related about by choosing custom keywords.

Three newly Pay Per Click are sites helps for your Guide.

Dear friend I have checked these Pay Per Click sites. they are really reliable, get focused and save your Time.

Pay Per Click Guide. Pay Per Click Search Engines in Review.
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Pay Per Click Analyst reviews the top Pay Per Click Search Engines offering up to date Pay Per Click News, Fresh Reviews and Helpful Articles by Industry Leaders. There are many pay per click search engines to choose from - It is our goal at PPCA to bring you the facts by an in-depth look into the pros and cons of each service.

Cost-effective, highly targeted website traffic.
Pay per click search engines, pay for placement or pay for ranking search engines are a highly effective way to attract cheap, targeted traffic to your website. The best and most popular pay per click search engines are Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) and Miva (formerly FindWhat). Lower-priced pay per click search engines which also provide an excellent service are GoClick and Enhance Interactive

The huge success of Yahoo! Search Marketing and FindWhat in providing cheap, targeted website traffic has encouraged the arrival of dozens of other pay for placement, pay for ranking or pay per click search engines. Often you can buy this search engine traffic for as little as 1 cent or 2 cents per click. Very popular search terms can cost much more on popular pay per click search engines.


Google Sponsored Links Search - This nifty little tool from the fine folks at Google allows you to very quickly find out who is advertising for any given term. Very, very handy! - Is your competition advertising on Google's AdSense system? Find out what keyword and phrases your competition is using with BeyondROI's Google AdSense Viewer. Simply enter a term or phrase and click submit. The Viewer will then query the Google ad servers and return to you a listing of the ads running which are targeting that phrase. - Offers several little scripts for tracking Adsense clicks and results and writing them to a database.

- Your personal desktop Google AdSense monito for current Google AdSense information.. No more logging in just to check your balance. Hover over a small icon in the system tray and see a quick list of date, clicks, impressions, rate, CPM, earnings, and how current the info is (or any combination thereof). If you're one of those who likes to keep close tabs on Adsense activity, this is a very significant time-saver!

Monday, February 4, 2008

How To Become Rich Selling Information Products

One of my favorite (scratch that, make it my favorite) business models for creating income on the Internet is the information products model. You get amazingly high profit margins (there's no inventory to hold, and you ran run this business without employees), you can work from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection, and you can set up your business so that it runs on total autopilot.

So you want to get rich selling information products? The great news is that it does not require much capital to get started - anyone can get started in this business for less than a hundred dollars. But the "bad" news is, there is SOME work involved! You might not like it, but you're going to have to work for your success. There's no two ways about it.

Here are the tools you need for an information products business:

1. A word processor

2. A pdf converter to create your information product (you can convert documents into pdf format for free at Adobe's website)

3. A website for selling your information product (includes a domain name and hosting)

4. A payment processor

And that's pretty much the main tools you'll need. Two of the best places for getting domain names at value-for-money prices are and For hosting, I recommend Vexxhost or HostGator.

A payment processor can be totally free. Paypal is an amazing user-friendly solution that is easy to setup and collect payments with. Plus, Paypal is a trusted solution worldwide.

Once everything is set up, all that's left is to market your website! The best online marketing strategies are: pay per click advertising, forum marketing, article posting (to article directories) and ezine advertising (an awesome resource is Directory Of Ezines).

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


If you can make $128.99 in cash each time you cut and paste something... how many times will you repeat the process?

If I tell you that this can be done by anyone who has basic computer skills, who can surf the Internet and get his way round on the computer... will you be interested?

You see, many people have been writing to me... telling me their problems and frustrations about not being able to get started online. You have told me you need the "actual technical steps" to get started...

And that's what I have specially prepared for you on this website - A series of technical steps that make it almost impossible for you to fail.

Here's the catch: If you can "cut and paste", if you can visit websites on your computer... then you can join the small group of people who are making $128.99 each time they do so! In fact, the actual figure varies and is often higher than $128.99. (I'll show you why later...)

So how is this "system" different from what you have seen in the past?

Firstly, it's has NOTHING to do with MLMs, forced matrix or dubious programs that promise to make you money online with "no selling". Seriously, have you ever made money from joining any of those programs?

Next, you're not buying into or joining any program here. You're learning a method to be in business for yourself. Through the Cut and Paste Cash Method (that's what I call it), you'll learn how to do the fundamental activity that sucks in cash for all profitable businesses --- to buy low and sell high. You'll learn exactly how you can leverage upon the power of the Internet to do it.

Third, you don't need a lot of capital to get started. In fact, because of how flexible this method is... you can get started for as little as $10. Then you can use the method to double the $10... and keep doing it until you have the right amount of cash you want. Of course, you can also start with a larger amount (let's say $50 or $100)... and then keep doubling it each time you follow our instructions.

One thing though: This has absolutely NOTHING to do with any programs, MLM, Internet Marketing, Google Adwords or Adsense, Web 2.0 and so on. It is an absolutely under exploited opportunity online.

I discussed this business opportunity with Mr. X and asked him to analyse it in detail... including whether or not it will work for you. What he said just blew me away. For YOUR benefit, he deconstructed this business strategy layer by layer and provided a clear explanation of how anyone can succeed from this.

Now we know this opportunity may not be for everyone... But because of the nature of this method, we are unable to reveal it right here. To preserve the integrity of this method, we require that everyone who is interested to learn more pay a small "commitment fee".

It's only $3.

If you DO decide to go ahead after reading the Special Report Mr. X has put together for you... you'll be richly rewarded.

Yes! Let Me Download The "Cut And Paste Cash" Special Report Now For Only $3...


A lot of people are poor because of myths or wrong assumptions about money. For you to become rich, you have to know the realities and the myths of money making.

Money myths # 1: If I had chosen a lucrative career, I would have been rich. Reality: There are millionaires in all profession. Anything can make money. You don’t look for a lucrative career; you make your career lucrative. Money myths # 2: If my parents were rich, I would have made it. Reality: Most super rich are from poor families and some from average families. Even those from rich families had to create there own personal wealth.

Money myths # 3: If I were better educated, I’d make more money. Reality: You need education outside the lecture halls. After all well-educated people are not rich. You have to go into private study and exercise your mind for financial excellence. Money myths # 4: If I had better breaks, you know, at the right place at the right time, I would have become successful. Reality: The super rich weren’t lucky, they only prepared for luck. Opportunities and luck are created not waited for.

Money myths # 5: If the economy was better, I’d be wealthy. Reality: In any community, State, or country, there are millionaires. There is money everywhere. Money myths # 6: If I didn’t have family or social responsibilities, I would have made millions. Reality: It is not all about your responsibilities, but how you frugally manage them. You have to be frugal with your money and spend on the most important stuffs.

Money myths # 7: If all the big money making opportunities were still available, I’d be super rich. Reality: Moneymaking opportunities worldwide are more available today than ever before. Money myths # 8: If only government, my employers, family, or spouse helped me, I would have made loads of money. Reality: Anybody can run out of your life. You could be fired, government can dump you, your spouse might divorce you, and your family and friends could desert you. You alone is responsible for your success.

Money myths # 9: If I had large sum of money, I would have started saving and investing early. Reality: Little drop of water makes a mighty ocean. Start with the little you have. If you are waiting for a large amount, you will never make it. And the best time to start saving and investing is today. Money myths # 10: Does fraud or corruption make one rich? Reality: Yes but be wise so that you don't end up in jail. Download "Evil ways of making money--what the rich won't tell you" free at and learn how to introduce immoral and unethical survival tactics into your work or business.

Money myths # 11: I have to work very hard to become rich. Reality: So many hard working people are poor. The rich don’t work hard; they work very smart. Money myths # 12: It takes money to make money. Reality: It takes money, no matter how small, to seize opportunities.

Money myths # 13: Having a good job leads to wealth. Reality: A job is a temporary source of income. A permanent one requires that you make your money work for you. So whatever you do, be in business for yourself and apply your money industriously. You are always the CEO of your endeavors. Money myths # 14: I will start my retirement plan when am a few years from retiring. Reality: Your retirement plan should start today, no matter your age.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


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